Unlock Your Potential with These Top 10 Videos to Learn OKRs

Unlock Your Potential with These Top 10 Videos to Learn OKRs

Unlock Your Potential with These Top 10 Videos to Learn OKRs

‍Whether you’re a business owner, a manager, or an employee, setting and achieving goals is crucial to success. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is a goal-setting framework that has gained popularity among companies like Google, Intel, and Twitter. But what are OKRs, and how can you learn to use them effectively? In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top 10 videos to learn OKRs, so you can unlock your potential and achieve your goals.

What are OKRs?

A framework for generating goals called OKRs can assist both individuals and businesses in creating and achieving quantifiable goals. OKRs consist of two components: objectives and key results. Objectives are the goals you want to achieve, while key results are the measurable outcomes that will track your progress toward achieving those goals. OKRs are typically set every quarter and are meant to be challenging but achievable.

Why are OKRs important?

OKRs are important because they help individuals and organisations focus on what matters most. By setting clear objectives and measurable key results, you can prioritise your efforts and track your progress toward achieving your goals. OKRs also promote transparency and alignment, as everyone in the organisation can see what goals are being pursued and how progress is being made.

Unlock Your Potential with These Top 10 Videos to Learn OKRs

How do OKRs work?

OKRs provide a simple but effective framework for goal-setting and tracking progress. Here’s how it works:

Set Objectives

Identify what goals you want to achieve in a given quarter. Objectives should be specific, measurable, and time-bound.

Define Key Results

Identify the measurable outcomes that will track your progress toward achieving your objectives. Key results should be specific, measurable, and time-bound.

Assign Owners

Assign owners for each objective and key result to ensure accountability and ownership.

Monitor Progress

Monitor progress toward achieving objectives and key results to ensure accountability and adjust as needed.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of OKRs, let’s dive into the top 10 videos to learn OKRs.

Top 10 videos to learn OKRs

These top 10 videos cover a range of topics related to OKRs, from the basics of the framework to more advanced topics like how to use OKRs to drive growth and engagement. Each video offers unique insights and perspectives on how to use OKRs effectively.

Unlock Your Potential with These Top 10 Videos to Learn OKRs

Video 1: “Measure What Matters By John Doerr Full Audiobook” By Motivate, Inspire, Achieve

In this video of the audiobook of John Doerr, a great investor, the whole book is made available for listening. It carries out the argument for setting big goals and carrying them out with care.

Video 2: “John Doerr ‘Measure What Matters’ Discussion at Rice University” by What Matters

In this video, John Doerr, author of “Measure What Matters,” provides an in-depth look at how to set goals using the OKR framework. He shares tips and best practices for setting effective objectives and key results, and he provides examples of OKRs to achieve success.

Video 3: “Objectives & Key Results (OKR’s): Set Goals Like Google” by Daniel Audunsson

In this video, Daniel Audunsson talks about how Google employs the OKR approach to define and accomplish goals. He explains his experience of trying out lots of planning & goal-setting techniques, but how OKR stands out as one of the best by far.

Video 4: “Rick Klau, Google: OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) – How Hyper-Growth Startups Stay Focused” by Nurafni Eka Agustina

In this video, Rick Klau, Partner at Google Ventures, provides an overview of the OKR framework and how it has been used by companies like Google, Intel, and Twitter. The video covers the basics of setting effective objectives and key results and provides tips for using OKRs to drive success.

Video 5: “How to Set Good OKRs With Examples” by Weekdone

To help you start setting aspirational objectives for your business, this video by Weekdone includes both successful and unsuccessful OKR examples. It covers the basics of setting effective objectives and key results, and it provides tips and best practices for using OKRs to drive success.

Video 6: “Why the secret to success is setting the right goals | John Doerr | TED” by TED

In this video, TED shines the limelight on John Doerr himself to provide an overview of the OKR framework and how it can be used to drive growth and engagement. The video covers the basics of setting effective objectives and key results, and it provides tips for using OKRs to align teams and drive results.

Video 7: “Venture Capitalist John Doerr: Measure What Matters” By Commonwealth Club Of California

Venture capitalist John Doerr has contributed to creating and funding some of Silicon Valley’s most prosperous businesses, including Google, Twitter, and Amazon. Doerr began his career at Intel as a marketing manager and rose through the ranks to support some of the most prosperous international companies. President Obama then nominated him to the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

In his most recent book, Measure What Matters, Doerr digs into the processes that encourage decision-makers to think about the reason behind their aims, producing better results. Doerr asserts that everyone with ambitions may apply his methods to achieve more effectively accomplish achievement, from major CEOs to small-business owners.

This video depicts a stimulating discussion about setting goals, achieving achievement, and Doerr’s individual experiences in the tech industry.

Video 8: “John Doerr on OKRs and Measuring What Matters” by MITSMR

In this video, John Doerr discusses the benefits of creating OKRs in an interview with Donald Sull from MIT, and he also explains why businesses should concentrate on choosing the correct goals.

Video 9: “OKR Crash Course – How to set Goals” by Perdoo

In this video course by Perdoo, you’ll learn how to set goals that matter using the OKR framework. The course covers the basics of setting effective objectives and key results, and it provides tips for using OKRs to align teams and drive results. The course also includes exercises and templates to help you implement OKRs in your organisation.

Video 10: “How the Best Executives Transform Strategy into Action using OKRs. All the essentials covered in 15m” by Marcos Barros – OKRs in Your Organisation

In this video by Marcos Barros – OKRs in Your Organisation, you’ll learn how to use the OKR framework, which stands for Objectives and Key Results, to significantly boost the execution of your goals.

Conclusion: Why watching these videos will help you unlock your potential with OKRs

By watching these top 10 videos to learn OKRs, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the OKR framework and how to use it effectively. You’ll learn best practices for setting objectives and key results, and you’ll gain insights into how companies like Google, Intel, and Twitter have used OKRs to achieve success. With this knowledge, you can unlock your potential and achieve your goals.

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